wk wg 5th logo final
wk wg 5th logo final
wk wg 5th logo final

2022 WinterKids Winter Games

5th Annual / January 17-February 11, 2022

Std Yellow WK Snowflake

Award funds distributed: $50,000
Participants impacted: 11,000+

Between January 17-February 11, 2022, over 11,000+ students, teachers, and families participated in the 5th Annual WinterKids Winter Games, by completing 4 weeks of “Olympic Games” themed WinterKids outdoor learning challenges!

22 schools across the state of Maine competed for $50K in cash and prizes for their schools in our Competitive Track!

This was our second year offering two participation tracks to help make the Games more accessible to more students. Teachers and parents could alternately register for and participate in the non-competitive Play-Along track!

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