Between January 17-February 11, 2022, over 11,000+ students, teachers, and families participated in the 5th Annual WinterKids Winter Games, by completing 4 weeks of “Olympic Games” themed WinterKids outdoor learning challenges!
22 schools across the state of Maine competed for $50K in cash and prizes for their schools in our Competitive Track!
This year, we offered two ways to participate to make the Games more accessible to more students. Teachers and parents could alternately choose to register for, and participate in, the non-competitive Play-Along track!
All told, 11,000+ kids in Maine participated in the 5th Annual WinterKids Winter Games, between the competitive and play-along versions of the program!

Competitive Track
Top 3 winning schools:

GOLD MEDAL WINNERS: Jonesport Elementary



This year’s 4-week series of challenges included outdoor physical activity, nutrition, family engagement, and winter carnival, and we celebrated the Olympic Winter Games just as our inaugural Winter Games did in 2018. All competitive track schools received a cash prize based on how they finished.
Our top 3 schools are taking home the biggest prizes with $10,000 (Gold Medal), $7,500 (Silver Medal), and $5,000 (Bronze Medal) for their schools. In addition, our top 3 winning schools were treated to an inspirational live awards ceremony rally led by Elec Simon and Friends!

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who participated! Every school is a winner in this competition. You lead the charge to have students, faculty, staff, and others to MOVE! LEARN! EXPLORE! outside this winter. You are all true champions!
Find more details on how the scoring worked for our Competitive Track schools, in our Winter Games 2022 Rules & Regulations.

- Patricia A Duran School
- Rangeley Lakes Regional School
- Union Elementary School
- Union Elementary School
- Helen Thompson School
- Helen Thompson School
- Jonesport Elementary
- Leroy H Smith School
- Moscow Elementary School
- Patricia A. Duran School
- Pine Street Elementary
- Rangeley Lakes Regional School
- Southern Aroostook Community School
- West Bath School
- West Bath School
- Woodland Consolidated School
- Woodland Elementary School
- Woodland Elementary School
- West Bath School
- West Bath School
- Elm Street School
- Jonesport Elementary
- Jonesport Elementary
- Mast Landing Elementary
- Matinicus Island School
- Union Elementary
- Carrabec Community School
- Cave Hill School
- Cave Hill School
- Cherryfield Elementary
- Harrison Elementary
- HB Emery Jr Memorial School
- Helen Thompson School
- Jonesport Elementary
- Jonesport Elementary
- Mast Landing Elementary
- Moscow Elementary
- Patricia A. Duran School
- Pine Street Elementary
- Pine Street Elementary
- Southern Aroostook Community School
- Southern Aroostook Community School
- Southern Aroostook Community School
- West Bath School
- Woodland Consolidated School
- Woodland Elementary School
- Cave Hill School
- Cherryfield Elementary School
- Cherryfield Elementary School
- East Range II School
- Ella P. Burr School
- Ella P. Burr School
- Elm Street School
- Elm Street School
- Harrison Elementary
- HB Emery Jr Memorial School
- Leroy H. Smith School
- Leroy H. Smith School
- Mast Landing School
- Matinicus Island School
- Matinicus Island School

In 2021 we offered a pandemic-friendly, non-competitive version of the Winter Games—the Play-Along edition. Many of the participants liked the easier-to-implement version of the Winter Games, and so, in 2022 we offered two ways to play!
The result? Over 7,000 participants across the state of Maine (and beyond) participated in 4 weeks of fun Winter Olympics-themed challenges at their own pace as part of our Play-Along Track, with chances to win weekly prizes from WinterKids and our partners at Central Maine Power.
This Gallery of 2022 Winter Games Play-Along Champions is made up of photos submitted by individual families and educators as part of our Play-Along photo contest. Enjoy!

thank you to our sponsors
The 2022 WinterKids Winter Games were made possible, thanks to generous support from:

Many thanks to local media outlets across the state of Maine for their coverage of the Games!