WinterKids Winter Games 2021 logo
WinterKids Winter Games 2021 logo
WinterKids Winter Games 2021 logo
WinterKids Winter Games 2021 logo
WinterKids Winter Games 2021 logo
WinterKids Winter Games 2021 logo

Prescott Memorial School

gold medal winning school, winterkids winter games 2020

Std Yellow WK Snowflake

Town: Washington, Maine
County: Knox

Excerpts from an interview with Nancy Stover, Principal at Prescott Memorial School.

Why was it important for your students to participate in the WinterKids Winter Games?

I believe it was important for our students to participate in the Winter Games to introduce students to the many options available to them and their families during the winter months. It was a good way to reinforce healthy habits and the need to keep active.  It was also beneficial for our students and families to realize the many local resources available to them through the winter months. Representatives from local ski areas, outdoor resource centers, fitness centers, nutritionists, law enforcement, and others were all guest speakers that introduced students to what is available in our area to keep healthy and active.

The WinterKids team did an outstanding job of preparing and gathering the materials and the STEAM theme aligned with our academic standards which were great!

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Prescott Elementary Winter Games 2020 0003

What did the Winter Games mean for your school and community?

Our small school community was very involved in the games.  The staff worked together daily collaborating, brainstorming and volunteering their expertise in whatever capacity was needed. One of the highlights was how our staff bonded together to do whatever was asked, even if it meant a disruption to their schedules. Our community was very supportive and would post pictures on Facebook with our mascot of all the adventures they went on with their families. Winning the gold has been the high point of our school year and we have had many parents, families, community and school board members involved and very supportive.

Tell us about one or two of your favorite memories from the Games.

❉ The Winter Carnival with the local volunteers who shared their skills with us was a highlight of the Winter Games. Students were very engaged and learned about winter survival, the technology involved in law enforcement, toboggan racing, snowmobile safety and technology, and animal habitats. It was awesome!

❉ The whole school sledding party at the Pumpkin Vine Family farm involved all of the students and staff on a beautiful winter day with sledding, snowshoeing and snow fort building.

❉ The making of our snow principal, Mrs. Sno-ver!

❉ The two years we participated in the WinterKids Winter Games has truly been a collaborative effort of commitment, cooperation, brainstorming, and teamwork with our amazing students, staff, and families supporting us and working hard to help us achieve the GOLD! 

Winter Games 2020 Tiebreaker Prescott Memorial School
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