Autumn Fun Puzzles for Preschoolers

Autumn Fun Puzzles for Preschoolers

An autumn edition of the WinterKids GOAL Maine Preschool Edition: Manipulatives: Winter Fun Puzzles, page 62

Playing with Autumn Fun Puzzles WinterKids 9

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Print, laminate, and cut these 8 customizable autumn recreation picture puzzles. In addition to the benefits of working on a puzzle, these can be great for vocabulary and literacy development, and may also spark an interest in these outdoor activities!


Manipulatives: Autumn Fun Puzzles

MELDS: Physical Development and Health

Procedure: Children will put together picture puzzles of autumn recreation activities.

Vocabulary: autumn, fall, paddling, life jacket, kayak, fishing, rod, reel, catch, hiking, trekking poles, trail, harvest, apple tree, ripe, apple picking, biking, helmet, pedaling, bike path, soccer, cleats, shin guards, goal, dribble, raking, rake, leaves, fair, animal husbandry, live stock, 4-H, agriculture

Printables & Instructions

Download, print, and cut these 8 autumn fun puzzles. Optionally, laminate them before cutting for even more durability.

Autumn Fun Puzzles WinterKids 13

Includes 2 versions of each puzzle:

Option 1 – has designated cut lines that coordinate with letters to build a word

Playing with Autumn Fun Puzzles WinterKids 5

Option 2 – create your own puzzle shapes/ design 

Playing with Autumn Fun Puzzles WinterKids 3

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