2023 WinterKids Winter Games Week 2 Recap + Moment of the Week Winner

2023 WinterKids Winter Games Week 2 Recap + Moment of the Week Winner

Week 2 of the 2023 WinterKids Winter Games was focused on NUTRITION, and our Competitive Track participants HAD A DELICIOUS TIME!

Week 2 of the 2023 WinterKids Winter Games had our 16 Competitive Track schools across Maine focusing on nutrition and taking those lessons outside as much as possible! Students participated in outdoor smoothie cup relay races, learned about the USDA’s MyPlate food groups, made tons of smoothies, and some classes even enjoyed healthy lunches outside with snow picnics! On top of that, students and teachers worked hard all week preparing for their Friendship Friday activity by holding community food drives. Oh, and did we mention it was a short week thanks to a holiday on Monday and a snow day for some on Friday?! Whew! It was certainly a whirlwind.

At the end of the week, Competitive Track schools had an opportunity to win a bonus point for their school by submitting a nutrition-themed MEME as their Moment of the Week. Continue reading below to find out who won!

Many thanks to Backyard Farms for sponsoring Nutrition Week and providing reusable smoothie cups for all participating students, which fueled so much fun this week!

Backyard Farms Logo 2 1
Smoothie Cups
Week 2 Activity 1

Congratulations to Williams-Cone School (Sagadahoc County) for Winning our Week 2 Moment of the Week!

2 MEME Williams Cone School WinterKids Winter Games 2023
Williams-Cone School (Topsham, Sagadahoc County, Maine)

honorable mention: GILBERT ELEMENTARY

2 MEME Gilbert Elementary WinterKids Winter Games 2023
Gilbert Elementary (Augusta, Kennebec County, Maine)


Here is how our Competitive Schools rank as of the end of Week 2:

2023 Leaderboard Week 2

We’ve shared some fun photos and ALL of our Competitive Track schools’ Moment of the Week Nutrition MEME submissions below! Enjoy!


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