Looking for an indoor project? Try this art project with your children Seed Mosaics from the WinterKids Guide to Outdoor Active Learning, Preschool Edition. Kids (and adults) can get creative and make attractive, edible (for our bird friends) art to hang outside for the birds.
WinterKids Guide to Outdoor Active Learning (GOAL), Preschool Edition
A “Spring Forward: Week 1” activity (P. 85)
Art: Visual Arts

Make edible glue following the recipe below.
Measure flour into a medium mixing bowl. Add water, and mix thoroughly. Add corn syrup and mix thoroughly. Add gelatin, and mix until there are no lumps. Add a little more flour if too thin. Using a hole punch, make a hole in the cardstock. Tie a 12-inch piece of twine/yarn through the hole to make a hanger.
Children will create designs by gluing seeds onto paper in a design of their choosing. Spread edible glue over the cardstock. Have children press seeds into the “glue” to create their unique design.
When dry, hang outside for the birds to enjoy.
seed names, design, mosaic, abstract, pattern, bumpy, adhere

Don’t have all the ingredients? Improvise! I didn’t have unflavored gelatin, but I did have a box of strawberry Jello, so I used half of that! My “glue” smells great, and looks pretty too!
I used mixed birdseed and separated the types of seed to make my design.

Let your creation dry thoroughly. Then hang outside and wait for the birds to find it!

Free Printable
Download and print this activity plan, then go have some fun!