Dramatic Play: Summer Market & Making Succotash
An outdoor, dramatic play activity inspired by the book Summer Supper!
After reading the story, children are invited to head to the farmers’ market to buy ingredients and make their own farm-to-fork dish! Succotash recipe card and farmer’s market shopping list downloads are provided in this blog post!
Designed for:
Preschool-aged children
Love this activity?
More activities like these can be found in the “Healthy Me! Food” section of our Guide to Outdoor Active Learning (GOAL) Preschool Edition

TIP: If you find you don’t have something on the supply list, get creative! This is all about having fun with what you have. Should you wish to buy something new, we were able to find most of our supplies at low prices on Amazon!

How to:
STEP 1: Read Summer Supper together
STEP 2: Set up farmers market + play kitchen
Include your children in the setup process. No farmers market stand / play kitchen needed… invite your children to help get creative and set up a stand and cooking area with what you already have. Invite them to help make signs with prices and names of produce. While you’re setting up, review the names of the produce provided.

STEP 3: Introduce our succotash recipe and shopping list
(see downloads above)

STEP 4: PLAY! Farmers Market
STEP 5: PLAY! Making Succotash
Invite them to move forward in whatever imaginative way they’d like… set a table and serve up their succotash… work on another farm-to-fork recipe… clean up their kitchen… have fun!