WinterKids Winter Games
The WinterKids Winter Games inspires thousands of students, teachers, and staff in elementary schools across the state of Maine to go for the gold every January!
Looking for ideas to incorporate the Winter Games into YOUR classroom lessons? Our lesson suggestions align with Common Core, ME Learning Results, and Next Generation Science Standards.
Early Childhood Educators

Guide to Active Outdoor Learning (GOAL): Preschool Edition
Our Guide to Active Outdoor Learning (GOAL) for preschool students is your resource for hands-on, winter-themed activities for indoors and out.
WinterKids Preschool Challenge
Do you want incentives and prizes for getting outside during Maine’s best season? Join the WinterKids Preschool Challenge, an award-winning, evidence-based program that will help you and your students to move, learn, and explore outdoors.
WinterKids Preschool Challenge Downloadable Materials
These resources are meant to supplement activities outlined in the WinterKids Preschool Challenge materials:
Elementary Educators

Guide to Active Outdoor Learning (GOAL): Elementary Edition
The WinterKids Guide to Active Outdoor Learning (GOAL) for Elementary students is your resource for incorporating outdoor education into your winter lesson plans. This binder includes easy-to-implement lessons developed by and for teachers to inspire you to take your classroom outside.
GOAL Elementary Edition Downloadable Materials
The nutrition lessons in our GOAL Elementary Edition are popular and easy to facilitate! The resources below are meant to supplement the “Healthy Foods Healthy Bodies” section of our Elementary GOAL (chapters 3.25 & 3.27).
Simply download and print this set of ready-to-use food group signs & food cards. Be sure to laminate them for extended use!
Playworks leverages the power of play to transform children’s physical and emotional health. They help schools and youth programs create recess and play environments where every child can join in.
The activities below are an excerpt from Keep Playing, a curated collection of games, activities, and wellness resources brought to you by our friends at Playworks. For more information, visit

Let’s Go!
Let’s Go! is a nationally recognized childhood obesity prevention program implemented throughout Maine and in a few communities in neighboring states. >>LEARN MORE>>
Maine Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance
MAHPERD is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Mainers by supporting and promoting effective educational practices, quality curriculum, instruction, the Maine Learning Results, and assessment in the areas of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance and related fields. >>LEARN MORE>>
Ski Museum of Maine
Celebrating and preserving the history and heritage of Maine skiing. >>LEARN MORE>>

New Hampshire
HEAL is a network of state and community partners dedicated to advancing population-based approaches to reduce the prevalence of obesity and chronic disease in New Hampshire. HEAL aims to improve access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity, prioritizing its work in communities and populations with the greatest health disparities. >>LEARN MORE>>
New Hampshire Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance
New Hampshire Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance will encourage healthful lifestyles through health, physical education, recreation, and dance, by communicating this to professionals, students and the public. Their mission is to promote professional standards, quality programs, professional development, legislative support, and regional and national affiliation >>LEARN MORE>>
New England Ski Museum
Our mission is to collect, conserve, and exhibit elements of ski history for research, education, and inspiration. We have operated our Museum at Franconia Notch State Park since December 1982 and welcome thousands of visitors each year. Whether online or in person, we encourage you to enjoy our stories from the history of skiing. >>LEARN MORE>>

Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Working with schools, companies, community organizations, healthcare professionals and families to transform the conditions and systems that lead to healthier kids. >>LEARN MORE>>
Healthier US School Challenge
The Healthier US School Challenge is a voluntary certification initiative recognizing those schools enrolled in Team Nutrition that have created healthier school environments through promotion of nutrition and physical activity. >>LEARN MORE>>
National Institutes of Health
NIH’s ultimate goal is to improve the nation’s health through medical research. Check out these resources for improved health and well-being. >>LEARN MORE>>
School Nurse’s Guide to Kids’ Health and Safety
A guide for school nurses and teachers on how to spot certain illnesses and prevent them from spreading. >>LEARN MORE>>
Check Out Our Pinterest Page
for our favorite resources from all over the interwebs!